'Note/Memo'에 해당되는 글 18건
- 2011.04.12 shell prompt 변경
- 2011.01.10 freeradius-2.1.10 eap-aka patch 2
Note/Memo2011. 4. 12. 12:29
Note/Memo2011. 1. 10. 14:24
I have created a patch for FreeRadius 2.1.10 to support EAP-AKA.Please find the attached patch.
This file based on freeradius-1.1.4 version patch files.(http://freeradius.1045715.n5.nabble.com/EAP-AKA-support-for-Freeradius-1-1-4-td2794614.html)
And I found another patch file about "aka res length".
I applyed this patch(version 2.1.10).
I compiled and even working.